Art by nature, and Micki

Pressed Flower Art. It's simple. Nature provides the medium, I just help preserve it's beauty.

" N Art" is so I can include my other creative adventures from time to time.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Pressed Flower Art...Will it last ?

If you have ever wondered just how long a pressed flower piece will last, I want to share this with you. I stumbled upon this picture which was bought in 1939 as a wedding gift. While some fading has occurred over 74 years, you can see the picture is still quite beautiful, and many of the flowers still have vibrant color. Thank you to the special lady who shared this and let me take the pictures of her treasured gift.


  1. absolutely beauty-full!:-)

    thanks, micki!:-)


  2. What a treasure after all these years!

  3. Inspiring ,thanks for sharing !

  4. Thanks Ladies. I just loved this, I had to share.
