I have been absent from blogging for a great reason. Last month this art I have come to love lead me to China. The basis of the trip was the 2010 World Wide Pressed Flower Guild Conference. While the conference was held in Guangzhou at the South China Agricultural University, I was able to visit the Beijing area and Hong Kong as well.
Accomapnied by friends and fellow World Wide Pressed Flower Guild Members the trip started in Beijing. While there we toured The Forbidden City, The Great Wall, Ming Tombs, and the Imperial Palace. We attended a tea ceremony, which surprisingly had us laughing to the point of tears, watched silk being made, saw jade being carved, and had our names carved in stamps. We shopped. Our mission : to find found great art, art supplies, papers and books, jade jewelry and gifts. Mission Accomplished !
Our long days of walking and walking ended with great meals like Peking duck that actually came with a serial number, and a Traditional Hot Pot feast.
The weather wasn't too cooperative during our visit to the Great Wall, but I managed to climb pretty high.

Steps of the Great Wall
Amazing to see and climb, not to mention a great workout!
Inside The Forbidden City: so much art and history.

From Beijing we flew to Guangzhou for the conference. There was work to be done, and fun to be had.
Judging the competition was difficult with so many great entries. It is however a job I was honored to do.
Teaching at the conference was fun. The students and members, from several different countries, were fun and quick learners.
We made the newpapers every day during the conference, here are some links:

We laughed, we learned, met old friends and new members. We even played in a chemistry lab.
Picture of mallards from press flowers

On the last day of the conference we had a field trip. One stop was this beautiful street in Guangzhou.
Below: Enjoying our last afternoon in Guangzhou

Final stop: Hong Kong
We visited Hong Kong Island, Victoria's Peak and my most favorite of all, Stanley